Seminars are held throughout the two-day show to allow you to balance your time between learning about new innovative products and receiving updates on the newest regulations and best practices to keep your company rolling for the long haul. We want to ensure the topics and speakers are current and address pressing issues that impact your business. The seminar schedule below is subject to change.
Friday, February 7
9 a.m. — “SOS, IDOT, ISP Enforcement Update” - Charles Giesler, SOS; Luis Flores, IDOT; Todd Armstrong, ISP
10 a.m. — “FMCSA Midwest Update” - Winsome Lenfert, FMCSA Midwest Director
11 a.m. — “Driver Manuals and Their Impact Upon Trucking Litigation” - Matt Hefflefinger, Mitch Hedrick, & Seth Howard, Chartwell Law
1 p.m. — “Tire Management” - Speaker TBD
1:30-4 p.m. — “Reasonable Suspicion Training” (Prior Registration Required) - Shelly Miller, MTA
2 p.m. — “Powering Safety: Knowledge that Saves Lives” - Erin Hollinshead, Safe Electricity
3 p.m. — “How Big Can You Go? OS/OW Update” - Geno Koehler, IDOT
Saturday, February 8
9 a.m.-12 Noon — “Brake Certification” - Phillip Bauman, Meritor- provided by CIT Trucks
9 a.m. — “Political Landscape for 2025” - Matt Wells, MTA
10 a.m. — “Drug & Alcohol - What Am I Supposed to Do?” - Shelly Miller, MTA; and Alyssa Castleman, MTA
2 p.m. — “Safety Solutions for Trucks and Forklifts” - Kurt Kim, MotorGuardian Cam