Membership Details & Prices

Membership Types

Regular Member

Regular Member

A regular member of the Mid-West Truckers Association, Inc. (MTA) includes any entity or person who operates trucks as a business, or a part of their business operations. Membership is not exclusive to for-hire trucking companies, but open to all private businesses and government entities that utilize commercial vehicles. Membership rates are based on the number of units (trucks) your business operates that are 10,001 lbs. or more.

Membership in MTA provides your company access to all our services, programs and staff support. And with MTA, you will have a voice and a helping hand to survive the rapid-fire changes within trucking regulations.

Number of units
*First Time Application Fee $35

Associate Business Member

Associate Business Member

Associate Business Members have long been a part of the foundation of Mid-West Truckers Association providing a variety of services to MTA members. As an Associate Business Member, you receive all the benefits of a regular membership, plus a 10% discount on advertising which includes exhibit booth fees at the Mid-West Ttruck & Trailer Show, advertising in our monthly magazine, digital advertising and other advertising opportunities.

Cost per membership
*First Time Application Fee $35

Why you should join MTA

A Voice for Members

A Voice for Members

The trucking business and the trucking industry in general are experiencing rapid-fire changes today as the economy shifts, and it can be impossible to keep up with all the details that are significant to you. Being a member of MTA gives you access to people whose mission it is to help our members not just survive in a competitive industry, but have a competitive edge. 

Professional Services

Professional Services

The MTA drug & alcohol testing programs, licensing and compliance services, educational resources, and our Midwest Truckers Risk Management Association (MTRMA) are the best available. Our services are affordable and enable your fleet wheels to keep on turning avoiding idle time.  Check out the MTA Member Services page to see everything offered with an MTA membership.

Communication with Members

Communication with Members

MTA will keep you informed and protect your interests against unreasonable and unjust laws and taxes with email alerts and through our monthly publication, Keep on Truckin’ News.

You can also keep up with the latest events on our MTA Facebook page.